With version v2.0 we've added an extensive ticket system for your forum. This ticket system allows your users to submit a private ticket to your support team, which they then can answer in private. You can see a ticket as a "private topic" with some added features to improve the workflow of your support team.
Please note that the ticket system is currently in beta. Use it at your own risk.
How to enable tickets?
To enable the ticket system for your platform you have to visit your administration dashboard. Click in the left menu on the Support plugin and click on "Support tickets" in the menu bar. In the settings tab of support tickets you can click on the switch "Enable tickets (BETA)" to enable the ticket system.
Show options
On the same settings tab you can find two options relevant to showing the ticket system to your user. The following settings apply to the default user menu across your forum install.
- Show 'My tickets' in user menu`
This toggles the "My Tickets" button that can be found in the menu when the user clicks on their username at the top right.
- Show 'Compose ticket' in user menu
This toggles the "Compose ticket" button that can be found in the menu when the user clicks on their username at the top right.
Send manual status update notification
When you enable this option we'll send your user an email when one of your support agents changes the ticket status of a ticket they own. This happens when for example your agent changes the ticket status from "Open" to "On hold". Normal status updates sent by the system are sent even when this option is turned off.