In this article we will cover the permissions that are available for the tickets.
Composing a ticket
For customers, it is important they can reach out to you. By default, the Compose tickets
permission is set to 'Members'.
Customers only
If anyone can register to your community, you might only want to make tickets available for verified customers. We recommend to create a new (invissible) role/group and call it 'Verified Customer'. Then can grant the customers that specific role and change the 'Compose tickets' to the 'Verified Customer' role.
Assiging the verified customer role to the user can be done via webhooks or cronjobs, but is not covered by this extension.
Permissions in the admin dashboard:

'My tickets' page when no permissions
When the user has no permissions to open a ticket, they're still able to visit the 'My tickets' page. The button will be disabled and display the text that they're unable to open a new ticket.

When the user recently opened a ticket before you updated their permissions, they will still be able to view and reply to their previous tickets they've opened. But they will not be able to open a new one.

Tickets admin dashboard
As an employee, you'll need to be able to help your customers and read the support tickets. Therefore we have created the View support tickets
Just like the knowledge base you're able to create a specific role and select it to grand your employees only rights to the support tickets and no further edit functionalities.
After granting a user the permission to enter the tickets overview, they'll find a 'Tickets overview' button in the user menu, the Ticket Notification Center appears and they will get access to the Ticket Admin Dashboard.

Converting discussions into tickets
When a user wants to share private data on your public forum, you are able to convert a public discussion into a private support ticket. This can only be done by granting the Convert discussions into tickets
permission to a role.
After granting this permission, you (or your agent) will find the Convert into ticket
button in the discussion options dropdown: